Hello guys this is my update for crafting cheese in MouseHunt hope you enjoy it!
White Cheddar
This cheese is rather poor at attracting mice. However it seems that its unique scent drives away the white, grey and brown breeds of mice.
(1) Salt + (1) Curds and Whey = (1) White Cheddar
Total Cost (1 Piece): Min 10, Max 13
Considered somewhat of an acquired taste, Susheese is the traditional meal of the school of the Cheese Claw. The combination of delicious brie and fish fresh out of the Burroughs River seems to be the only bait that will attract the Masters of the Cheese Claw.
A hunter who crafts Susheese in order to catch a Master of the Cheese Claw might put it to use in the Meditation room, where the Masters are most vulnerable.
Formula discovered by: Andrew August Swingler
(1) Nori + (1) Burroughs Salmon + (3) Curds and Whey + (3) Tokens of the Cheese Claw = (3) Susheese
Total Cost (3 Pieces): Min 179, Max 185
This cheese is the result of the careful art of fusing a seemingly infinite quantity of flavours into a single cube of cheese. This decadent bait seems to be the only cheese capable of breaking the will power of the Masters of the Cheese Belt.
A hunter who crafts Glutter Cheese in order to catch a Master of the Cheese Belt might put it to use in the Meditation room, where the Masters are most vulnerable.
Formula discovered by: Anita Hunt
(1) Cheesy Fluffs + (1) Invisi-glu + (7) Curds and Whey + (3) Tokens of the Cheese Belt = (3) Glutter
Total Cost (3 Pieces): Min 186, Max 200
This cheese is specially prepared swiss mounted on combat dummies and adorned with a target. Masters of the Cheese Fang often use this apparatus to teach students combat techniques as well as help decrease their mental weakness to cheese. Be warned! Should a Master of the Cheese Fang see a hunter using a chunk of this as bait it will surely cause them to challenge the hunter to defend the honor of the school.
A hunter who crafts Combat Cheese in order to catch a Master of the Cheese Fang might put it to use in the Meditation room, where the Masters are most vulnerable.
Formula discovered by: Stephen Blizzard and mixed by Mikko Sarmanne
(1) Splintered Wood + (1) Paint-brand Paint + (5) Curds and Whey + (3) Tokens of the Cheese Fang = (3) Combat
Total Cost (3 Pieces): Min 310, Max 320
the formula for other chesse are not yet discovered. so stay tuned! happy new year!
this is my current setup at mousehunt. hope this will catch the Master!
Jig Peligrino - http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1025313184&ref=profile ADD ME!
- Hunting Since: Jul. 22, 2008
- Hunter’s Title: Legendary ( 7 % )
- Points: 2,489,910
- Gold: 17,321
- Horn Calls: 741
- Location: Pinnacle Chamber
- Region: Furoma
- Average Hunt Size: 4
- Trap Power: 3,386
- Weapon: Ambush
- Base: Dehydration Base
- Bait: 3 pieces of Rumble
- Mice Caught: 2056